Occupational therapists urge people to use gadgets by adhering to ergonomic principles to prevent repetitive strain injuries

Our working environment, from natural to virtual settings and corporate offices, schools, retail shops, and healthcare services, predominantly operate through online platforms; this has led our homes to be converted into an office, schools, shopping mall, and what not.

Owing to the social distancing norms, offices, schools, hospitals and economic sectors have increased the exposure of computers, laptops and smartphones to their customers and employees. This trend will continue until the near future. If not in the correct posture, the prolonged use of computers, laptops and smartphones can lead to repetitive /over-use strain injuries to various body parts (Neck, eyes, back, wrist and hand).

When environmental changes start interfering with our physical and emotional factors, it is imperative to know about the science of ergonomics, which talks about fixing the environment and job to an optimal level of human function. Occupational therapists are pioneers in the science of Ergonomics by conducting workplace assessments and workplace modifications for a better interface between humans and technology. Recommendations for computer use, with proper human and technology interface, are below.

Prevention is better than Cure; the proverb elucidates; that taking appropriate measures to prevent repetitive strain and overuse injuries will help us stay healthy, enhance productivity and reduce fatigue, injuries and errors through the tough times.Occupational therapists want to create awareness among technology users of all age groups.

  • Prevent overuse syndromes and strive to restore well-being.
  • involves the ability to achieve a healthy work-life balance.
  • Manage (workplace/work from home )stress and build coping mechanisms.
  • Relationship with others while integrating the commitment to the occupation.
  • into a lifestyle that is both satisfying and rewarding even in the post-pandemic era.

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