OT in physical rehabilitation

  • Hospital:

  1. Reduce fall risk
  2. ROM techniques
  3. Sitting tasks/activities
  4. Energy Conservation techniques
  5. Positioning
  6. ADLs/IADLs
  7. Theraband stretches
  8. DC to an appropriate location like an Outpatient/SNFs/Home Health
  • Outpatient clinic:

  1. Improving Strength
  2. Balance
  3. Endurance
  4. Functional activity tolerance
  5. ADLs/IADLs
  6. DC to an appropriate location like an SNFs/Home Health
  • Home Health:

  1. Improving Strength
  2. Balance
  3. Endurance
  4. Functional activity tolerance
  5. ADLs/IADLs
  6. Home safety assessment
  7. Adaptations: Ramp, Toilet grab bars, Raised toilet seat, Tub transfer bench
  8. Reducing fall risk



treat patients with physical weakness or impairment, impacting their ability to independently perform ADLs/IADLs and functional tasks. OTs focus on Therapeutic exercises, Therapeutic activities, and Neuromuscular reeducation to achieve optimal functioning with daily tasks.

  • Therapeutic Activities:

  1. Dynamic balance activities while standing
  2. Gross motor coordination, fine motor coordination training
  3. Throwing/catching activities to facilitate strength, coordination, and balance
  4. Thera putty techniques to increase fine motor coordination
  5. Weight shifting to improve safety with unsupported sit/stand, bilateral manipulation, bilateral integration
  6. Placement of objects out of reach to increase dynamic skill performance, bending to increase dynamic balance skills
  7. Dynamic functional activities to increase strength, ROM, and flexibility in a progressive manner
  8. Writing to increase grasp/release/fine motor skills and dexterity tasks to improve functional skills
  • Therapeutic Exercises:

  1. UE therapeutic exercises, light weights
  2. Progressive resistance exercises
  3. UE TheraBand resistive exercises
  4. Open chain kinetic exercises, closed chain kinetic exercises
  5. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) exercises, contract/relaxation therapeutic exercises
  6. Therapeutic exercises w/gymnastic ball

Neuromuscular techniques

to facilitate proprioception, motor control, bilateral manipulation, and proprioceptive techniques to improve safety, decrease fall risk, and postural control.

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